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Accepted/Published Peer-Reviewed Articles 

Guilinger, J.J., Gray, A.B., Barth, N.C., Fong, B.T.* (2020). The evolution of sediment sources over a sequence of post-fire sediment-laden flows revealed through repeat high-resolution change detection. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 125(10), e2020JF005527.

Cowger, W., Gray, A.B., Guilinger, J.J., Fong, B.T. (2021). Concentration Depth Profiles of Microplastic Particles in River Flow and Implications for Surface Sampling. Environmental Science and Technology,

Honious, S.A., Hale, R.L., Guilinger, J.J., Crosby, B.T., Baxter, C. (2021). Geomorphology and turbidity structure discontinuities in the rates and controls of metabolism along a 75-km stream segment. Ecosystems. DOI: 


Jumps, N, Gray, A.B., Guilinger, J.J., Cowger, W.C. 2022. Wildfire Impacts on the Persistent Suspended Sediment Dynamics of a Small Mountainous River. Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies. 


In Review/Preparation for Peer Review (*=undergraduate mentee) 

Guilinger, J.J., Gray, A.B., Barth, N.C. Increasing fire frequency reduces channel sediment supplies in steep shrubland-dominated headwater catchments. In Revision for Geomorphology 

Burberry, C.M., Flatley, A., Gray, A.B., Guilinger, J.J., Hamshaw, S.D., Hill, K., Mu, Y., Rowland, J.C. Earth and Planetary Surface Processes Perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science. In Review for Earth and Space Science

Guilinger, J.J., Gray, A.B., Guill, R., Varela, M., Engelhorn, G., Stransky, C., Rudolph, J., Barth, N. Source to Sink Dynamics: A Case Study of Postfire Runoff Impacts on an Arid Managed Terminal Lake, Lake Elsinore, CA, USA. In Prep for Environmental Science and Technology

Rios, K.*, Guilinger, J.J., Fong, B.T., Gray, A.B. The evolution of soil hydraulic properties across different erosional surfaces in steeply burned terrain. In Prep for Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies


Fong, B.*, Guilinger, J.J., Barth, N.C., Gray, A.B. Controls on boulder transport by shallow landslides and debris flows, southern California, USA. In Prep for Landslides

Non-academic technical articles 

Stransky, C., Guilinger, J., and Rudolph, J. 2020. Impacts to Water Quality from Wildfires. Feature Article in Southern California Chapter of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Newsletter, Fall 2020 Issue.

Guilinger, J., and Crosby, B.T. 2017. Recommendations for Improving Water Quality in Marsh Creek. ISU Geosciences Thesis Appendix A, Prepared for the City of Pocatello (Funding sources) and Portneuf Watershed Partnership.

McDaniels, R., Guilinger, J., 2015, Idaho Multi-Hazard Risk Profile. Prepared for Idaho Office of Emergency Management and Federal Emergency Management Agency Risk MAP.

Richardson, R., and Guilinger, J. 2015. Geomorphic Assessment of the Lower Boise River, Idaho. Prepared for the Boise River Enhancement Network Plan Literature Review.

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